
Sleeplessness,know more about your enemy to beat it!

Sleeplessness, the problem that has deprived most of the people of sleep, and perhaps you are one of them… It’s no wonder, as millions of people are constantly struggling with this issue. However, this won’t last long, as you’ll learn more about the causes of Sleeplessness, how to get rid of it, and some ways to achieve better sleep.

What is sleeplessness?

Sleeplessness is the inability to sleep or stay awake for long periods of time, or the inability to sleep for  long periods of time, or feeling restless after waking up from sleep. It is a problem that has become widespread in recent times and its causes vary from person to person, as it may be due to stress, psychological pressure, or due to a certain illness.

Causes of Sleeplessness

Sleeplessness has several causes, but the most important ones include:

  • Psychological stress: where stress and tension can cause difficulty sleeping due to the brain being occupied with thoughts of problems and worries instead of sleeping, which can be difficult to overcome at times.
  • Environmental changes: this usually occurs when you move from one place to another, where your sleeping routine and location may change. This can be more pronounced when traveling across different time zones.
  • Poor sleep habits: such as not sticking to a specific sleep schedule, using your mobile phone for a long time before sleep, or even due to inappropriate lighting in your bedroom, especially if the lighting relies on blue light.
  • Consumption of stimulants: where stimulants can prevent you from falling asleep or staying asleep, so try to avoid drinks rich in caffeine and nicotine, as well as energy drinks.

Some diseases: some diseases may cause Sleeplessness and difficulty sleeping.4

How to stop having Sleeplessness

We’ll provide you with some advice on how get rid of sleeplessness while you trying to sleep:


Try to put all negative thoughts out of your mind before bed and focus exclusively on happy ideas. Additionally, practicing some breathing techniques, such as:Diaphragmatic Breathing & 4-7-8 Breathing according to Sleep Foundation .

Don’t force yourself to fall asleep.

If you can’t fall asleep after 20 minutes of going to bed, don’t stay trying for a long time and get out of bed.

Try picking up a book.

Be sure to avoid any blue light sources after getting out of bed, including the TV, standard home lighting, and cell phones. Instead, spend some time quietly reading a book you adore.


Tips to sleep well

there are some tips will help you to sleep well

Adjust your room

arranging your bedroom

To get a better sleep, you should reset your bedroom. Try arranging your bedroom in a way that makes you sleep more comfortably, such as reducing the room’s lighting and using comfortable pillows, sheets, and blankets for you. Also, don’t forget to adjust the air conditioning temperature to be appropriate and moderate. And don’t forget to choose a bedroom away from noise.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic Exercise

Exercise regularly during the day, as regular aerobic exercise during the day will help you get better and deeper sleep, according to the hopkinsmedicine organization. Of course, you don’t have to exercise hard and tired, as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can help you improve your sleep the same night!

Avoid intense exercise

Avoid intense exercise

Avoid intense exercise before bedtime, according to Harvard University  intense exercise before bedtime led to difficulty sleeping in some people. Therefore, we advise you to avoid strenuous sports for at least an hour before your bedtime to get better sleep.

Avoid heavy meals

Avoid heavy meals

According to the sleep foundation organization, eating a heavy meal before going to bed will cause difficulty in sleeping, as sleep becomes more difficult for the body because it is busy with the digestion process. During sleep, the digestion process slows down.

Get eye massage

Renpho eye massager,

Many studies have shown that getting a massage will improve your sleep, let alone getting a massage that targets the eyes, which has benefits in improving blood circulation and reducing migraines, which reflects positively on sleep and reduces insomnia.

You can massage your eyes yourself, or you can use the Renpho eye massager, which has achieved more than 12,000 five-star ratings on Amazon and has helped many to relax and get better sleep.

Stay away from screens and do not consume caffeine

do not consume caffeine

as caffeine and spending long hours on the screen will increase your sense of insomnia. Therefore, we advise you to avoid caffeine products about 8 hours before bedtime, according to Dr. Conroy. As for screens, it is recommended to avoid them for at least an hour before bedtime according to dubaihomeopathy.

Today we shared many ways to get better sleep and avoid insomnia. Other tips that may help you include maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and establishing a bedtime routine to follow when going to sleep.


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  2. […] a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Explanation: Sleep is vital for physical and mental recovery. It boosts immunity, enhances cognitive function, and […]

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